Saturday, November 11, 2006

It's Saturday. Time for Joanne Update

Saturday is the one day of the week that Joanne, owner of the '67 Mustang, is on duty.  She s a student nurse.

She reports that in her nursing training next week she has to do duty in the ER (Emergency Room).  She is "very nervous".

People who come to the ER are acutely ill and that is serious business.  "After all," she says, "I am NOT an adrenaline junkie."


Anonymous said...

E r Is a fast paced way of live for doctors and nurses that have been there for a while in due time she'll get her wings and fly!

Anonymous said...

I've been to the ER so many times that just going to it makes me sick!

Anonymous said...

Hoping your next entry is that Wilma comes home..Ginger

Anonymous said...

Chuck, Did you say you live in CA?  My son owned a 67 Mustang when we lived in CA.  He got it stolen from some dudes from Shop Class that evidently followed him home and took the car.  They parted it out.  He knew that from the "2 marks" on the hood that they brought to shop class the next semester.  Been there, know what happens with '67 mustangs that everybody wants.    ~margo