Monday, February 19, 2007

More Little Known Presidential Facts -- or Fiction

Some people are doubting the veracity of my presidentail facts in the entry below.  Hmmm.  Here are some more, and you can vote for yourselves...fact or fiction.

Martha Washington once refused to spend a night in the White House because they wouldn't let her stay in the Lincoln Bedroom. Fact or Fiction? Answer drag your cursor over this space >> Fiction, she refused to stay overnight in the White House because the curtains looked like table cloths.

President Ford rode to his inauguration in a Lincoln and President Lincoln rode to his inauguration in a Ford (a carriage built by Henry Ford's grandfather.)  Fact or Fiction?  Answer drag your cursor over this space >> Fiction. President Ford drove a Chevy.

George Washington called the Washigton Monument "An Ugly Obelisk".  Fact or Fiction.Answer drag your cursor over this space >>  Fiction.  He thought it was beautiful.


Anonymous said...

Did not drag they are all fiction! LOL!

Anonymous said...

i love when you do these so much fun:) have a good week
