Wednesday, July 2, 2008



Dear Ones,

He's left the planet, actually, I assume.  Your comments and prayers, your thoughts really worked, Chuck released his body knowing he was truly loved at 10pm PDT July 1st.  He told us weeks ago he wouldn't be around for the 4th, he was correct.

  Your comments are a huge blessing to all of his family, and we thank you soooooo much!  Wish I could be more creative, more like Dad in how I express this to you...but I know he would say it something like this:


Our love and thanks for a great ride for our Dad, Grandfather, Cousin, Uncle and old friend!  You are ALL AWESOME!  I probably cannot respond to each and every one of you, so please know our heartfelt thanks and hugs across the web!  XXXXOOOO

Blessings, Kate and family

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Pitch hitting

Hey everyone, this is Chuck's daughter, remember me from when Chuck was in the hospital at the beginning of the year.  We'll I'm pitch hitting again...making it up as I go along though.  No dictation at this time from Chuck./

I was chatting with BAMA who let me know you would all like to be updated on Chuck's progress.  He's had a major downturn. Here's what I think Chuck needs from all you friends now...prayers, thoughts, comments that let him know how much you've enjoyed your relationship with him, and that it is okay to let go, and go on to the next life experience, whatever that may be.  He is struggling and fighting, though his body is ready to lie down and be in bliss.  I will be happy to read them all to him, to encourage him relax and let go.

Sometimes without realizing it friends and family can hold on too tight to a person, and especially one who is so dedicated to all of us...we can hold them back from moving on.  It seems his friends here at the "old folks' home" have been planning a big Chuck fest for 4th of July, and so he's been conflicted in his mind I think.  Anyway, probably more than you needed to hear, or that he would want me to say.  I'm not sure.

Chuck's whole family knows how important all of you have been to him!!! Please hold us all in your thoughts and prayers for a peaceful transition.

Namaste, Kate