It wasn't really insomnia. I woke up and was considering getting up to go to the bathroom. I sat on the edge of the bed... and fell asleep sitting up, and then took a nose dive.
I woke up in mid-air, and so I didn/t hit too hard...just hard enough. Now the naked, one-legged, 81 year old man was on the floor - but awake. No need to try to get up by myself. But I could not reach the call-button cord.
Slowly I moved my wheelchair out of the way...hitched along the floor on my butt like a pre-walking infant, reached the call-button cord, and pulled. I had plenty of time to reflect how lucky it is that I live in an assisted living facility with twenty-four hour attendants. Pretty soon a knock on my door and a caregiver came in. She was blazé about finding a naked senior citizen on the floor...must happen a lot.
She used her walk-around to summon a helper, who announced "We're not allowed to pick him up." I had visions of sitting on the floor until paramedics arrived. So I got them to help me to my knees and my arms on the bed, and then SOMEHOW I got my rear raised high enough so they could push my wheelchair under my sitter.
I was all right... I continued my trip to the bathroom. I had scraped my arm getting up and they applied band aids to the wounds. I rested and read a book in the bathroom for a while, then when they came back to check on me, I asked for supervision getting back in bed. I managed without incident.
Sure made a nice conversation starter at breakfast though... "How was your night?"
"Wow, let me tell you......"