Pick up lines
Who cuts your hair?
Don’t you just love pickled beets?
Didn’t I see you on Jeopardy?
I love the way your chin moves when you chew.
Can I read you your rights?
What’s your sign?
I had a pit bull with eyes just like yours.
I need a hug
Do you know any ATM machines near here?
Sell me some of your sizzle.
Am I hearing your beeper, or mine?
I’m not wearing any underwear.
May I show you my favorite magic trick?
Please check and see if my fly is open.
You could charm a snake.
I bet you wonder how I got my Purple Heart.
I teach the severely retarded.
I teach tongue placement to lispers
Your teeth would look good in a cup beside mine.
I’m ready. I have a new battery in my pacemaker.
If you’ll sit on my lap we can go riding on my scooter.
I have some Geritol on ice in my apartment.
Your hearing-aid is squealing, or is it mine?
What are you doing after Bingo?
Quick, have you got a spare nitro-glycerin capsule?
My life expectancy is two years seven months. Yours?