Friday, June 20, 2008

A Word about Printers

..and the word is &%#@^. or it might even be "help"


Now, Angie, I am not whining.  This is plain cussing.

Are you in the market for a printer?  I would say avoid HP Deskjet 350 All in One. I bought it because it was cheap. But it was built to gobble ink like a sailor with a 12 hour leave drinks beer.  I paid less than a hundred for the machine, but since then, I have paid over a hundred dollars a year for ink.

But worse than that... the software has some idiosyncratic twist. If you run out of paper, it sulks for days.  It was my own fault.  I let it run out and I knew about the sulk. Now I have no printer for God knows how long. 

But I'm not whining.  I am swearing.

PS... The Inkoholic is working again.  I must remember not to let it run out of paper or ink. 


Anonymous said...

chuck Ibought a new printer, then I bought a new puter with vista and nothing is compatibe with vista right now, pais a $150.00 and i'm pissed only used it a few times.

Anonymous said...

AHA! Maybe it is not the printer afterall, but VISTA which is screwing things can cuss at WINDOWS...that helps!

Anonymous said...

Your printer must be the American cousin of mine ,if I let it run out of paper I get the strong silent treat ment too , Jan xx

Anonymous said...

OMG! How terrible for you! I've not ever been happy with any HP printer I've seen work. Make sure you fill 'er up before using it again!


Anonymous said...

I have a Lexmark that is incompatible with my Vista (ugh) now and also a HP 3 in 1 that was a replacement from the company when my first when bit the dust wayyy before it's warranty period was elapsed.  Of course, they won't replace a replacement....go figure ?  I'll never buy HP again......along with the 5 different ink bottles or whatever it is that you have to buy.  Looks like we're all in the mess together, Ollie !!  LOL

Anonymous said...

(((((((((((((((((((((((CHUCK))))))))))))))))))))Thats a bummer.Have a nice Sunday.