Wednesday, August 3, 2005

More about the seven dwarfs -- Cliques

More thoughts about the Seven Dwarfs lifestyle.  See second entry below for my assessment of their personalities.

Cliques.  Although the seven get along very well together, each assuming his special place in the septal society, there are two "cliques".  These are the two sub-groups.

Doc, Happy, Sneezy.  They are the promoters.  It is they who find the new gem veins for the dwarfs to mine.  It is they who decide that Snow White can stay and who plan the full sized bed for her to occupy.

Grumpy, Bashful.  Grumpy being second in command in the dwarf realm, is cooperative, but not an originator.  Nobody worked harder on Snow Whites bed, but with severe misgivings about what would happen with a teen age princess living with seven confirmed hundreds of years old bachelors.  Bashful is too shy to stand up to Grumpy, so he falls under his influence and can be considered in his clique.

Sleepy is not aware that there are cliques.  He follows along groggily.  He can be swayed to either clique depending on who woos him the most.  He is not aware of the power he wields, and it is a good thing.  It might wake him up.

Dopey is everyone's pet.  He doesn't belong to either clique, but is included in everything.

Doc, Happy, Sneezy might be compared to Democrats.  Liberal, ready to try anything, even if it may turn out to be wrong. Grumpy and Bashful are the Republicans.  Conservative, cautious, quiet and firm.

Sleepy and Dopey are the electorate, holding the balance of power, they swing their weight one way and then the other, but don't waste much time considering their influence.

Like the United States, the dwarf society gets along fine with two parties.  They agree to disagree, intermix and solve problems as they come up with simple discussion, and they usually come to a consensus.

We could learn a lot from the Seven Dwarfs.


Anonymous said...

"Sleepy and Dopey are the electorate, holding the balance of power, they swing their weight one way and then the other, but don't waste much time considering their influence."

LOL  that sounds about right.

Anonymous said...

I believe yhou have hit on a truth-especialyy about Sleepy and Dopey! Margo

Anonymous said...

I suspect that even if I watch all the bonus materials on my DVD set, I'm still not gonna see what you're seeing here.  Not sur whether that's a good thing or a bad thing.  Yawn!  Influenced by Sleepy, I bid you good night! - Karen