Yay, We've made it through another year. When I was a kid, I realized I might see a year that didn't start with 19. But I didn't think I'd see years all the way to 2007. Wow.
But here I am at te computer in the middle of the night...AGAIN. After many nights of solid sleep and having to be waked in the morning.... Alas, I am up in the middle of he night after tossing and turning for an hour or more.
May be what I eat. Supper was not to my liking: Macaroni and cheese and ham casserole. So I ate an avocado I happened to have, but it was not fully ripe. Then along about bedtime I ate some left over pie and some Top Ramin. And now I wonder why I am not sleeping... who could?
My Grandson turns 22 today, the 31st. Makes one feel old. (And I have older Grandkids, too.)
Kellen O'Grady conducts a trivia tournament with some really tough questions, but I missed the deadline. I really wanted to play, too. Alas. Maybe you can see the questions if you check this link.
Enough rambling...back to bed.