Sunday, July 9, 2006

Weekend assignment #119 - Boston

   John Scalzi's By The Way Weekend assignment -  Share your memories of Boston.

   Tourguide:  You are standing on the exact spot on the north shore that Paul Revere stood in 1775.  Do what he did:  Bend down and look under the freeway, and you can see Old North Church tower over there in Boston.  See.  Two laterns.  Go, ride, spread the alarm to every middlesex, villiage, and farm."


Anonymous said...

Are The Brittish coming?

Anonymous said...

I know I've been there...but don't remember much.  Was that where you went to the chair factory and I stayed at the hotel pool?

Anonymous said...

I used to teach in Charlestown, and my office had a fat view of the Old North Church.