Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Here it is: Lent

I am not a religious person, so Lent has no significant spiritual meaning, but here is a specified period of time, forty days, set aside to accomplish some purpose.  What activity could one do, or not do, for a forty day stint, that would be interesting, beneficial, healthy, or fun?

What indulgence could I "give up for Lent" that would be worth the effort?  Dessert?   I sometimes skip dessert anyway, that wold not be a special event.  Wine, Women, Song.  I could do without them for forty days, except, I already do.

Maybe joining the exercise program at the old folks home would be beneficial.... and I could endure it, if I knew it would be over in forty days.  Hmm...sounds too much like WORK.

There seems to be nothing I want to give up for forty day, and nothing I want to undertake for forty days, so this Lent will pass, like past Lents as phenomenon that other people practice.


Anonymous said...

You know Chuck this is a hard one.
I think I'll just smile for the 40 days, maybe it'll catch on :')
Have agreat day!

Anonymous said...

You made me laugh! Hope you have a good day today Chuck!
love ya,

Anonymous said...

Hi Chuck - i decided to give up chocolate (now that is a challenge), so having made my decision i was feeling quite pleased with myself.    Then at 11am this morning i remember i had a chocolate bar in my desk drawer - and promptly ate it !!!!!
Jayne x

Anonymous said...

Oh Chuck, you are funny.  Enjoy the phenomenon!  Hugs.  Terry x

Anonymous said...

Dear Chuck,
Giving up something for its own sake is not the same as giving up something for Someone Else.  I give up a habit or pleasure or discipline myself for love of Jesus and what He sacrificed for all of us, and that has made all the difference!  Love from your Ohio friend, Paula  P.S.  For me, Lent is "interesting, beneficial, healthy, and fun!"