J was tagged by Special Lady Fink and asked to tell several things about myself. It is a game whose serious purpose to promote blogging and get more people to read more blogs. Okay, so, even though I do not know Special Lady, I will play along...sort of. I answer the questions...but I tag no other person. I am a sem-good-sport.
What were you doing ten years ago? About the same as am, except I drove my van and went exploring the back roads of Missouri. It is a historical area, and I enjoyed finding historic sites and studying the situations of past years...especially Civil War years.
Jobs you have held. School teacher, speech therapist, hardware store salesperson, public housing placement interviewer, zoo gatekeeper, bakery warehouseman, snack bar operator, auto parts store salesman, bookeeper for chemical fertilizer plant, encyclopaedia salesman, telegraph boy, phonebook distributer.
Snack you like. Sardines, and canned sea food in general. General foods capuchino, crackers, both graham and soda, artichoke hearts, and AVOCADOS. Especially Avocados.
Places you've lived. By the Pacific Ocean in a Marina with a deck and dock and three boata...sailboat, power cruiser, rowboat with motor. Also in Missouri with historic sites to explore, Los Angeles suburb, Central Valley of California with all its fruits,nuts, vegetables. Also on the UCLA campus, and in Beverly Hillis (Before it was 91240), Fort Knox Kentucy, near the national gold depository.
What would you do if you were a Billionaire. About what I do now except I 'd hire a jillion people to help me do it...drive, fly, tour the 99 cent store. Imagine what you could do with a billion dollars in the 99 cent store...(buy ten billion cans of sardines, perhaps.)
I forget the other things I was supposed to tag about, except I was supposed to tell some of my bad habits. Yeah, sure, I am gonna talk about those? Silly.
That's all. Not tagging anyone else though.