Saturday, November 11, 2006

Wilma, Out Riding in the Hall

I called the hospital after supper.  When I was connected to Wilma's room, a roommate told me "She is out riding in the halls."

So I left a message and went and played Rummy

Ted has a new power chair, so I mounted mine and we took a tour of the old folks home. He was not ready to try it outside yet, so I left him in the hall, and went out to latch the garden gates. It is dark after supper and rummy nowadays, and I enjoyed that.  It is a bit spooky though, driving a power chair in the dark, when you are out of reach of the street lights.

In the dark you feel alone and independent.  But there was a strange car in the parking lot, so I hurried and latched the gate and came back inside. Chicken!

Anyway, if Wilma can prowl the halls of the hospital, maybe she will be able to come home tomorrow after all.  Will I tell her I missed her? No way.  I will merely give her an up date of the Republicans who resigned during her absence. That's our way. She will remind me that Schwartzenegger is still governor, no matter how I voted. 


Anonymous said...

I am glad your friend is ok !
Can you have a head light mounted on your power scooter?
If not carry a flashlight?

Anonymous said...

Wilma must be feeling a lot better to be out riding in the halls. Hope she soon gets to come back so you can talk to her. Helen

Anonymous said...

I hope Wilma's home, hiding the jam, being the prideful Republican that she is today!!  You two have lots to catch up on!

Anonymous said...

wow, im glad u didn't let that stranger get u

Anonymous said...

Hello Chuck - Swartzanegger still Govenor eh?   She will have such a smile on her face when she reminds you eh?
Luv Jayne x