I am back at the old stand early tonight. It is only 1:30. I went to bed right after Two and a half Men, 9:30. Got half my sleeping done, and now it is time to WRITE.
Dial-a-Ride was good today. They even came early. I had to jump off the Internet and hustle when I got a call, "Chuck, your ride is here." I got to Art Class early, too. Class was delightful. About eight very talented, dedicated artists and myself It is good to be in such skilled company. Make me feel like an artist too, with my laptop Dell computer and my Paint progream as my medium. The others are all ladies and they chatter about domestic things as they paint. I sit and listen and mouse away.
The ride to class was exclusive, I was only one on the bus, but on the trip home we made four stops to let off other passengers and to pick up a couple. Was a slow circuitous return.
Hmm, tonight I am leaving out words and letters as I type. And spell check has been slow and tedious the last few nights, so I will probably skip it.
Worse than having to read through my typos, you have nothing here to read. I cannot imagine a more boring entry.
Sorry, When I am good, I freely pat myself on the back, but I am not so quick to give myself a kick in the pants when I am bad.
More tomorrow when I have something to say.
Chuck, your un-proof-read journalist, closing his Blog for tonight
LATER: Four AM, and here I am back. It seem like it was a mistake to go to bed ar 9:30, but I was so tired...
One thing I miss, living in the old folks home, is the chance to go outside at night and look at the sky. The moon is in the last quarter, so it is probably rising right now. I'd love to go out and look, but it would mean too much fussing. First, I'd have to dress. They frown on naked men in the halls. I'd have to let a caregiver know I am going outside. The doors have switches on them that announce over the caregivers phone: The Southeast Door is Open.
But I'd like to go out and spot that rising moon, a crescent, as beautiful as new moon. Question: why to crescent moons always have the points pointing upward? It's true. New moons and old moons have the points upward. .And the answer is, because the sun is shining on the other side of the earth. Glad I cleared that up for you.
The patios and the south garden at the home are all flood lighted. No chance to see stars or moon there. Even the parking lots are lighted. We have successfullybanished night time around here. Well, we are close enough to downtown so that you don't want a DARK night. Spooks live in the gloom.
Bama Wmn tells me the Mets-Cardinals play off game has been postponed due to rain. If they don't finish the play-offs, will they have to postpone the world series? The series ran into November one year.
Before the Domes were invented, even the World Series got rained out from time to time.
4:40 AM... back to bed. Next posting...ah, probably 6:15 AM
Yours truly, Sleepyhead