Saturday, September 9, 2006

Dribble -- The Movie (Progress report continued)

I have spent another hour of so in La-la land, tryng to figure out movies in blogs.  Thanks to those of you who are helping me.  I need all I can get... but I haven't GOT it yet. 

I used the link supplied and got the form to fill out to enter my video into the uncut video file... but no instructions HOW TO DO IT.  I signed up for Youtube, but couldn't log on with my password. 

I found how to connect my digital camera to the computer.  I downloaded a program called VideoEgg.  I ran my video a couple of times, but somehow it never got to Uncut yet.  I did watch a lot of videos of others.  Looks like fun.  I cannot navigate around the uncut video file yet... keep going in circles. 

I need someone to come and look over my shoulder as I try to manage these new programs.  But that'll never happen.

I finally got to a place wherein I could put pictures in my blog...and that was something.  Thanks Karen and Krissy and others.

Hang in there.  Someday you'll see me moving across these pages on my scooter, and maybe hear me too, on my keyboard...but that is another story...just as long and convoluted. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

keep plugging chuck when I get time on tuesday i'll try farting with it!