Sunday, September 3, 2006

Insomniac Almanac -- Chapter Six

Who gets up at Six AM on Sunday morning? 

Insomniacs, that's who.

Something that does help me rest is a little FM receiver.  Plugs right into my ear so cannot disturb anyone else.  Not much on, and that helps. Get the most boring talk show you can find.  You doze off without knowing it.  If suddenly the talk does not make sense, it is because you slept through part of it. Makes you realize that even though you seem to be not sleeping, you are catching little cat naps.

When Six AM finally creeps by, and there are a few streaks of light in the window you say, "Well, Hell, I might as well be up as lying here with a boring talk show in my ear."

You can check your journal and see in any other insomniacs posted any comments during the l-o-n-g night.


Anonymous said...

I have the same problem sleeping, then when I do go to sleep the wife will get me up to take her to work!

Anonymous said...

I was up at 5:30, but laid back down around 7:00 and took a looooong nap!  Weekends are great for these little things!  But at least I did sleep well... Although I do have nights where I am up around 3 am and it's not fun the next day if I have to work.

Anonymous said...

Not necessarialy.  My bladder gets up at six if an aid doesn't get me up at 4 am.  We have a different night aid on weekends, so my schedule gets goofed up.

Anonymous said...

I hate going to seep and then waking up and  not being able to go back to sleep!